To Develop an overall strategy for the CBA to be catalytic

in encouraging and effecting mission engagement by our CBA churches

particularly through developing local, regional, national,

and international mission partnerships.


Doug Campbell (TEAM LEADER) - Mission Point

Micah Creekmore - Living Waters

Tika Scoles - Northside

Kenneth Summey - Lascassas



Our Sending Churches Team has formed a 3-year partnership with the Chicagoland area which includes both Northwest Indiana and Chicago. We sent a team of 6 on a vision tour in January and Lascassas Baptist sent another team March 3-6 to visit some prospective projects and help the All Peoples Community Church in Glendale Heights (suburb of Chicago) with their church plant launch. Crossway Baptist will be sent a small team at the end of April to help determine where they want to focus in this partnership. Northwest Indiana is the least evangelized area in Indiana and Chicago (a city of 13 million, 9 million of which lives in the suburbs) is largely culturally Catholic, but minimally evangelized. Our vision is to expand the number of CBA churches involved in this partnership in order to aid multiplying churches and church plants to expand His Kingdom in Chicagoland.


Re-Vision is our international missions partner serving in the Dominican Republic. Christmas of 2021, Re-Vision facilitated "A Night in Bethlehem," a dramatic presentation of the night when Jesus was born.

Team members from Crossway Baptist, Mission Point Community Church, Calvary Baptist (Williamston, SC) and Dominican churches helped the 345 participating children from three of our participating communities gain a clearer understanding of the events surrounding Christ's birth.

Over 188 needy families received food baskets funded by our US partners.

partner in mission: Mumbai

The CBA has partnered in mission with IMB missionaries in the city of Mumbai. Mumbai is one of the largest urban centers in the world. Greater Mumbai is home to around 25 million people and it adds almost half a million people every year. Less than 3% of that population identifies as evangelical. Mumbai is also a gateway city to the rest of India, to Asia, and to the world. It is a sort of modern-day Ephesus - a city that is gateway for the gospel to “all the residents of of Asia” and beyond. 

The Team Vision for Mumbai is: movements of multiplying churches in every major segment of the city that are actively commissioning and sending missionaries. They carry out this vision by adopting the Core Missionary Task of Engaging, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Establishing. They pursue the Core Missionary Task through these specific avenues: 

  • Train churches in Evangelism and Discipleship: weekly or bi-weekly trainings (2-3 hrs)

  • Engage in consistent Gospel proclamation in teams through regular periods of targeted outreach

  • Train churches to assess and address church health through regular training meetings and intermittent coaching.

  • Gather current and prospective church planters in a long-term cohort system with regular meetings and on-going coaching

  • Host large-scale City Conferences (an evening or a multi-day event) targeting city mission topics such as: Church Planting and Multiplication, Biblical Doctrine, Pastoral Leadership and Training, Missions mobilization

  • Mobilize churches for Cross-Cultural sending by training and equipping churches and networks to send their own missionaries (in development).